DPS shines in Class XII 2015 Board Results

The sixth batch of Class XII of DPS Chandigarh brought laurels to the school by performing exceedingly well in all streams.  The results analysis is as follows:

Number of Students Appeared : 154
Number of First Divisions : 154
Number of Second Divisions : Nil
Number of Third Divisions : Nil
Number of Compartments : Nil
Number of Failures : Nil
Number of students scoring 95% and above : 18/154  (11.69%)
Number of students scoring 90% and above : 61/154  (39.61%)
Number of students scoring 85% and above : 92/154  (59.74%)
Number of students scoring 80% and above : 116/154 (75.32%)
Number of distinctions : 127/154 (82.46%)
(Number of students scoring 75% and above)
Number of students scoring 60% and above : 154/154 (100.00%)

School Average Percentage  : 85.4%


  • Highest Aggregate Marks
    Khushboo Commerce) : 97.6%
    Swanie Chhabra (Humanities) : 97.2%
    Anubhuti Agarwal (Non-Medical)  : 96.8%
    Kashish Garg (Medical)  : 93.8%