School News

Welcome to the Session 2018-19

Dear Parents Welcome to the Session 2018-19 We at Delhi Public School, Chandigarh constantly endeavour to keep upgrading ourselves. We firmly believe in making our good, better and our better the best. We empower children with skills and social competencies … [ +more ]

Class Nursery-Excursion

Excursions are an important part of early learning and provide a break from daily routine. They give a chance to the children to explore a new environment. Nursery Class went to the ‘Fragrance Garden’, Sector 36 on 30th November, 2017. … [ +more ]

CBSE Heritage India Quiz 2018

The Chandigarh City Chapter of CBSE Heritage India Quiz 2018 was conducted on 29th January, 2018 at Delhi Public School, Chandigarh. It was exuberantly conducted by Quiz Master, Mr. Shashank Malik. One hundred and eleven schools participated from CBSE schools … [ +more ]

Ganit Week

Delhi Public School, Chandigarh observed Ganit Week from 18th to 22nd December, 2017. The students of Classes III to X participated with great zeal and enthusiasm. The event focused on making students aware about the applications of mathematical concepts in … [ +more ]

Class Prep- Sports Day

A ‘Sports Meet’ was organized for the children of Class Prep on 22nd November, 2017. It was a very exciting day where the tiny tots zealously participated in various sports events such as relay race, stack up race, obstacle race. … [ +more ]

Class Nursery- Sports Day

Sports develop a sense of friendliness and team spirit among children. They help to develop mental and physical toughness. Nursery Class organized the ‘Annual Sports Day’ on 21st November, 2017 to enhance the spirit of sportsmanship and competition among students. … [ +more ]

Vanijya 2017

The Annual Inter-DPS Commerce Festival-VANIJYA 2017 was held at DPS, Chandigarh on 25th of November, 2017 in the school premises. More than 250 students from 18 DPS schools from across the country were seen competing against each other in the … [ +more ]


‘While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about!” Acknowledging the fact that children  are our most valuable resource, students at DPS Chandigarh ,spent a memorable day at school-enjoying the day … [ +more ]