Students of Delhi Public School, Chandigarh, effectively participated in a Skype Conference under the ISA project titled ‘Building a Better World’ for students of Class VIII and IX with their partner school in Ibnou Sina Secondary School, Tunisia, interacted with each other and shared their initiatives towards global community service.
Students from both the schools shared facts about their countries and their governance. They discussed about environmental issues and topics related to voluntarism and citizenship.
It aimed at helping students to develop awareness related to global community service and expand their knowledge outside the school borders.
School Principal, Mrs. Reema Dewan appreciated the camaraderie shared by the students from both the schools. She also encouraged students to have more skype sessions with collaborative projects.
This session helped our learners to gain knowledge and understanding about the life and culture of Tunisia. Moreover, it enhanced the knowledge about Indian cultures among students of Tunisia. It was a step towards building bridges and forging stronger bonds between two countries.